Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Birkin Tells Why He Took 70% Stake In RPMC


Birkin, former vice chairman of Omnicom Group and Omnicom Asia-Pacific CEO, recently took a 70% position in privately held RPMC to bring new blood to the global events company.
Declining to disclose the deal's financial transaction, Birkin says the "sizable" opportunity caught his interest, along with the chance to help companies build their brands. "I was happy at Omnicom and I didn't need another job," he says, on holiday in Italy. "If I wasn't able to take a significant stake, then I probably wouldn't have become involved."

The deal, which took three months to seal, coincides with RPMC founding partner Murray Schwartz's desire to explore a new direction. Birkin made the investment, in part, based on Schwartz's wishes to put more "power" behind RPMC and build the business into a global powerhouse. Schwartz's commitment to remain involved was also a consideration.