Tuesday, July 17, 2012

TiVo to Buy Company That Tracks Shopping of TV Viewers

The television analytics company TiVo is expected to announce on Tuesday that it has acquired full ownership in TRA, a research company that has found success in recent years with a system that matches up television viewing with consumer buying habits.

That metric makes it possible for advertisers to tell which networks are most effective at selling beer or cookies, and even which specific television shows are best at selling specific cars. TRA acquires this data by collecting information from 1.5 million set-top cable boxes and matching the viewers (anonymously) with information gleaned from “loyalty cards” presented at supermarkets, as well as with other measurements, like car-registration information.
TRA has signed numerous clients in its five years of existence, including 27 cable and broadcast networks and 45 different advertising brands. Some, including Mars candy bars and Kraft’s Oscar Mayer brand, have offered testimonials to the effectiveness of the information gathered by TRA.