Thursday, October 15, 2009

Omnicom's new unit focused on digital dealmaking
Advertising agency Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE:OMC) has fallen behind rivals WPP plc (NASDAQ:WPPGY) and Publicis Group SA when it comes to digital acquisitions over the last couple of years. But now Omnicom is trying to catch up, naming Jonathan Nelson as CEO of Omnicom Digital, a newly formed unit that will be responsible for digital acquisitions.
"We haven't been the acquisition machine some of our peers have been," Nelson told Advertising Week. "We're looking at ways to spur organic growth and collaboration." Nelson is not a new face at Omnicom, working closely as a special adviser to CEO Jonathan Wren over the last two years, focusing on the company's digital strategy that includes potential deals as well as ad exchanges and data and analytics work.